A VR journey by Chrysanthi Badeka
The virtual reality experience explores the body in a state of emergency and its correlation with new technologies. A path that invites the audience to explore choreography, first destructured and then reconstructed through different mediums in immersive environments and synthetic 3 D sound landscapes.Migratory flows, travel, state of emergency, body captive and in danger: the pandemic has highlighted how geographically, physically and politically at risk we are. A participatory virtual reality experience for multiple viewers at a time, which allows you to immerse yourself in a very realistic-dimensional world.
Chrysanthi Badeka
re-FLOW is a #COORPI project carried out with the support of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation as part of the ′′ NOW! Productions of contemporary culture “, MiC and SIAE under the program ′′ For Chi Create ′′ and FONDAZIONE CRT
Creative Direction
Chrysanthi Badeka
VR Coordination / Programming
Andrej Boleslavksy
Artistic Courtesy / Programming
Constantine Nisidis
Sound Design
Lambros Pigounis
Sound Programming
Yiannis Kranidiotis